Thursday, November 15, 2012


I am incredibly sorry for my lack of posts lately. I've just been caught up on a new blog me and my friends have been working on called Literature, Art, and Music Please forgive me. We were just setting the blog up and now that it's all settled, I'll start posting new things. I even have planned a new post for you guys. Again, I'm super sorry and you should be expecting a new post soon!!!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Review: Pie Chou Squishy


I was almost scared to open it because I was afraid I would ruin it :P

A+ on squishiness

I thought it had really great quality however the "flour"/"powdered sugar" turned a little hard and gray in some places ( I dont know if you can tell)
A- on Quality/Look

Later on I noticed that there were alot of HUGE air bubbles so...
B+ on Squishy Overall (NOT overall grade)
I think I really liked the squishy. The only things that bothered me are listed so not including those, I seriously was IN LOVE with this squishy. I f you are intrested in buying this CLICK HERE. They said they didnt have much in stock, so get them ASAP!!!! Thanks for reading!!!

Thursday, October 4, 2012


This month's theme is decoden. Please comment below on what decoden piece you want me to do. Im open to anything to decoden except a cell phone case because for now, I am not available to the supplies for them. Or you can also say the theme for the deco piece like a hello kitty theme, sweets deco theme, etc. Plus you can also tell me a color theme by telling me a several colors you want me to use. Thx the tutorial will be up sometime this month when I get the first comment!

Saturday, September 15, 2012


From now on, I'll be taking request on the next post every month. Now this just an intro to my idea. So I might just start next month. This is just a way for me to see what you guys are interested in instead of me posting something you don't like. It's also a way for me to get a taste of what you guys think is a great DIY or craft. Thanks for reading!!! I'll make sure to start the first " Taking requests" some time in the beginning of next month!!!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


  • Golden Tannish Polymer Clay
( Im using a white and some yellow mixed together :P)
  • White Polymer Clay
  • Some kind of Icing Tip
(You'll notice I change the tip later on because this shape didnt work well)
  • A Blade

Try forming the goldenish clay into a cupcake base....


( tip: Try to make the bottom smaller than the top)

Using your blade, Make slits all around the cupcake base

Push white clay through the icing tip. It may be a little hard at first, but you'll get the hang of if
(Tip: It comes out in a jiffy if you use a stick or something to push it. Im using the end of a plastic paintbrush)

Gently Coil it around the top of the cupcake base. Twist it a little as you coil ( many real cupcakes have the frosting twist a little bit as it coils)


Im trying to think of a name for my clay tutorials. Comment below for suggestions!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Sry :P

Hello Everyone!!!! I am super duper sorry about the lack of posts lately!!!!! The reason for that is because I recently I started working with poylmer clay ( and by recently, I mean 2 months ago) and Ive been increibly busy with school starting and I havent had much time to blog. However Im working on a new post so it should be comming as late as the end of the week so keep on the watch for that one!!!! Again Im really sorry that I hadnt had time to post but Im finnally settled down for the new school year so I should be able to make more posts soon!!!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Turn a scarf to a top ( No-sew No-cut)

Today Ill be showing you how to make a super cute top out of a scarf!!!

First get out any rectangular scarf

Next, fold it in half horizontally

Then, you want to fold it in half AGAIN and bring the corners together
(Only bring together two corners NOT ALL OF THEM)

Then just simply tie a double knot

There should be two loops So just split them three way
(The loops will be the arm holes)

you can keep it like this if you want a vest ;)


cross the two sides to the back and double knot it

Tuck in the knot


Adjust to your liking and...

If this tutorial is confusing please comment below and I'll try to make a video to explain in more detail!!!


Thursday, July 26, 2012


HELLO PEOPLE OF THE EARTH!!! My mission is to share my love of crafting with the world. Sharing links and tutorials with you is my destiny. Now is my first post but don't worry there are more posts to come!!! But for now, GET YOUR GLUE GUN READY!!!